One day, as ‘Ali ibn Abu Ṭaalib and Al-Ḥussain ibn ‘Ali were walking together, they heard a man supplicating to Allah. The man was begging Allah to forgive him for his evil crimes. His sincere tone and eloquent words aroused the interest of ‘Ali, who turned to his son and said, "Do y.


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One year, when Al-Asma‘ee was on his way to perform hajj, a Bedouin carrying a large sword and a long spear confronted him. It was quite obvious that he was a highway robber. He came near Al-Asma‘ee and instead of fleeing or attempting to escape, Al-Asma‘ee drew nearer to him. He extended gree.


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When a Bedouin was passing through a mountain pass, he came across an old man who was blind and who seemed to be afflicted with various ailments all over his body. It was clear that he was wasting away. He was paralysed and was constantly forced to remain in a seated position. The Bedouin could clea.


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Ibn Ishâq said that the Prophet Ayyub (Job) was Roman. His lineage was Ayyub Ibn Moos Ibn Razih Ibn ‛Ees ibn Ishaq Ibn Ibraheem (may the Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon them all). However, others said that his lineage was Ayyub ibn Moos ibn Ra‛ooeel ibn ‛Ees ibn Ishâq ibn Ya’qoob (.


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Wanting to advise his son Al-Ḥasan, ‘Alee ibn Abu Ṭaalib said, "My son: Beware of three, be in harmony with three, be modest before three, race to three, flee from three, be in disagreement with three, fear three, and hope of three." Al-Ḥasan said,"O my father, please e.


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There was a young man among the children of Israel who worshipped Allah for twenty years. He then disobeyed Allah for twenty years. Then, one day, looking in the mirror, he noticed the whiteness of his beard and was taken aback by what he saw. He said: "O my Lord, I had obeyed you for tw.


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