‘Abdullah ibn Marzooq, who was a close friend of the ruler Al-Mahdee, was drunk one day and consequently missed the congregational prayer. His female servant came to him with a piece of burning wood and placed it on his leg. He jumped up with an expression of pain on his face. "If you can.


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Once, when Maimoon ibn Mihraan and ‘Omar ibn ‘Abdul‘aziz were visiting the graveyard, ‘Omar began to cry. Turning to Maimoon, he said: "O Abu Ayyoob, these are the graves of my fathers from Banu Umayyah. When I see their graves now, it seems as if they never participated with the dwell.


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After picking groceries in the supermarket, the Niqabi sister stood in the line to pay. After few minutes, her turn came up at the checkout counter. The checkout girl who was non Hijabi Arab Muslim girl started to scan the items of the Niqabi sister one buy one and then she looked at her with arr.


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Story of a brother: Since I was born I suffered from Eczema on my hands and arms and now I am 22 years of age and still suffering from such disease. Alḥamdulillah (praise be to Allah) it goes for a while but it comes back infected and inflamed. I always looked around me and saw other people[.


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Many years ago, during the time of the Tabi’een (the generation of the righteous Muslims who had met the Companions but hadn't met the prophet -May the peace and blessing of Allah be upon him-), Baghdad was a great city of Islam. In fact, it was the capital of the Islamic Caliphate and because of .


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I know of a man from Egypt who performed Hajj 32 years ago in his youth. He, at the time, was riding in a nine-passenger vehicle. In the front seats were a husband and wife. Behind them was a woman very old in age who, due to the congestion inside, was in an uncomfortable position, and her age an.


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