A man who liked to argue simply for the sake of an argument, decided to enter into a debate with Imam Shafi‘i. So the man said, "O Imam, how can the Devil be created from fire and at the same time be punished by Allah with fire?" Imam Shafi‘i smiled. He then extended his hand to the ground.


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Zaid ibn Aslam related that Namrud had with him great supplies of food, and people would go to him to seek provision from him. Prophet Ibrahim (may the Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon him) was one of those who went to him, and between him and Numrud there took place the famous debate that Alla.


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‛Ammaar ibn Yasir (may Allah be pleased with them both) was a slave of Banu Makhzoom from the Quraish tribe. When he and his parents (may Allah be pleased with them all) embraced Islam, the pagans of Makkah were infuriated and began torturing them. They forced ‛Ammaar and his parents (may Allah .


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‘Abdullah ibn Marzooq, who was a close friend of the ruler Al-Mahdee, was drunk one day and consequently missed the congregational prayer. His female servant came to him with a piece of burning wood and placed it on his leg. He jumped up with an expression of pain on his face. "If you can.


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During the caliphate of ‘Umar ibn Al-Khattaab, Sa‘eed ibn ‘Aamir was the governor of Hims, a city in Ash-Shaam. When ‘Umar visited Ḥimṣ to see how things were going there, he was met by a large group of people who began to complain to him about Sa‘eed. They found fault with him in f.


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When Bilaal (may Allah be pleased with him) owner, Umayyah ibn Khalaf, found out about Bilaal (may Allah be pleased with him) entry into the fold of Islam, he threatened him, and when that didn't work, he offered him incentives to abandon his faith. But Bilaal (may Allah be pleased with him) remaine.


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