Zaid ibn Aslam related that Namrud had with him great supplies of food, and people would go to him to seek provision from him. Prophet Ibrahim (may the Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon him) was one of those who went to him, and between him and Numrud there took place the famous debate that Alla.


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A burglar scaled the wall of Maalik ibn Deenaar's house one night and easily managed to get inside. Once inside the house, the thief was disappointed to see that there was nothing inside actually worth stealing. The owner of the home was inside at the time, he was busy performing prayer. Realizing t.


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‛Aa'isha (may Allah be pleased with her), the wife of the Prophet (may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) and the Mother of the Believers, was known for her profound religious knowledge and her ability to deliver forceful and effective sermons. ‛Aa'isha (may Allah be pleased with her).


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A righteous man said, "I once sat in the gathering of a preacher who spoke so well and with such eloquence that he moved everyone that was present into tears. Upon hearing the preacher mention the Hellfire and the punishment that Allah prepared for those who disobey Him, a young man who was present .


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Khalid bin Safwan may (Allah have mercy on him) was in a mosque in Basrah where he saw a group of people. He asked "What is this gathering?" He was informed, "There is a women who informs men about women who are available for marriage." Khalid went to her and said, "I want to marry a women." T.


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When ‘Umar ibn ‘Abdul-Aziz (may Allah have mercy on him) was appointed as Caliph (Khalifah), he began with the cases related to transgression against the rights of others. He began with his family and those closest to him. His family gathered together to meet with his aunt, whom he honoured a.


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