It is related that a group of people were once seated in the company of Al-Ḥasan Al-Baṣree (may Allah have mercy on him), when some men passed by, dragging along with them a body of a dead man. When Al-Ḥasan saw the dead man, a glint of instant recognition could be discerned in his eyes, and h.


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Allah said in Soorah Yunus: “Was there any town that believed [after seeing the punishment] and its faith [at the time] saved it [from the punishment], except the people of Yunus (Jonah). When they believed, We removed from them the torment of disgrace in the life of this world, and permitted the.


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Wahb ibn Munabbih (may Allah have mercy on him) has related the following lengthy story from the people of the book (children of Israel). There were three men from Banu Israel who were called to fight for the sake of Allah. They accepted the call, but they had concerns for their sister as she wou.


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These nations were destroyed before the time of Moosa (peace be upon him). This can be clearly seen in the verse: “And We gave Moosa the Book after We had destroyed the former generations.” (Qur’an 28:43) Ibn Jareer and Ibn Abi Hâtim reported that Abu Sa’eed al-Kudri said: “Allah did n.


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This is the story of sister Afrah Alshaibani, and how she became a Muslim. May 2, 1996. Ever since I can remember, my family attended a non-denominational conservative Christian church (Church of Christ). I grew up in the church, taught bible school and sang in the choir. As a young teenager I be.


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Ibn Ishâq said that the Prophet Ayyub (Job) was Roman. His lineage was Ayyub Ibn Moos Ibn Razih Ibn ‛Ees ibn Ishaq Ibn Ibraheem (may the Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon them all). However, others said that his lineage was Ayyub ibn Moos ibn Ra‛ooeel ibn ‛Ees ibn Ishâq ibn Ya’qoob (.


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