It is related that a young, pious man from the Children of Israel used to sit with Prophet Sulaiman (may the Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon him) and attend his gatherings. During one of these sessions, the Angel of Death entered the gathering. Upon seeing the angel, the young man's face tur.
Abu Dujanah, a well known Ansari (Helper) Companion (may Allah be pleased with him) was a brave fighter. In the battle of Uḥud he fought so courageously that the Prophet (may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) awarded him his sword. He used to wear a red band around his head before the .
‛Abdullah ibn Mas‛ood (may Allah be pleased with him) said, "The first group to openly proclaim their Islam consisted of seven people: The Messenger of Allah (may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) Abu Bakr; ‛Ammaar; ‛Ammaar's mother; Sumayyah; Suhaib; Bilaal; and Al-Miqdaad (may .
It is reported that a man once went to Ibraaheem ibn Adham and said, "O Abu Isḥaaq, I continually wrong my own self, and I turn away from everything that invites me to improve my way of life." Ibraaheem said, "If you can fulfil five conditions, then sinning will never harm .
When ‘Omar Ibn ‘Abdul‘aziz became caliph, he wrote to Al-Ḥasan Al-Baṣree to write him the description of a just ruler, and Al-Ḥasan wrote him: "Know, commander of the faithful, that Allah has made the just ruler, the straightener of the crooked, the reformer of the corrupt, the st.
Zaid ibn Aslam related that Namrud had with him great supplies of food, and people would go to him to seek provision from him. Prophet Ibrahim (may the Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon him) was one of those who went to him, and between him and Numrud there took place the famous debate that Alla.
- Couldn't Stop Him Self
- Honouring The Leader Of The Be ...
- Intelligent Prisoner
- Disagreement Over Delicacies
- Running from The Ṣalaah
- The Advice Of The Conqueror Of ...
- Rebellion Against Al-Ḥajjaaj
- The Poor Yemeni And Al-Ḥajja ...
- In The Best Interest Of The Or ...
- The Slave Of ‘Umar ibn ‘A ...
- Umm Salamah (may Allah be plea ...
- The Understanding Of A Bedouin