Disagreement Over Delicacies

The judge extended his hand and ate from the sweet that the ruler loved more, and then he said, "A beautiful and delicious kind of sweet, and all praise is for Allah, Who has made it sweet." Then he went to the other sweet, which the wife of the ruler loved more. He began to eat from it and he said, "A beautiful and delicious kind of sweet, and all praise is for Allah, Who has blessed us to taste it." He continued to eat, from one kind and then from the other, until he could eat no more.
All the while the ruler and his wife were looking at him. When the judge finally finished after what seemed to be an endless amount of time, the ruler asked him which was better and more delicious. He said, "O ruler! I have not seen anyone more eloquent in arguing a case than these two. Each time I intended to rule for one of them, the other came forth with his proofs and arguments." All those who were present laughed and the disagreement came to an end.
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