There was a man who had a very lazy servant. One day, he sent him (servant) to buy grapes and figs, and he took so long in returning from the errand that the master's patience was running out. The servant finally came, but he only brought one of the two items that he was originally commanded to b.
A group of Muslims once came to the great scholar among Taabi'ee (those who met the companions - may Allah be pleased with them all) al-Ḥasan al-Baṣree (may Allah have mercy on him) seeking a Fatwa (verdict) to rebel against al-Ḥajjaaj, who was a tyrannical and evil ruler of his time. They .
Allah said in Soorah Yunus: “Was there any town that believed [after seeing the punishment] and its faith [at the time] saved it [from the punishment], except the people of Yunus (Jonah). When they believed, We removed from them the torment of disgrace in the life of this world, and permitted the.
- Couldn't Stop Him Self
- Honouring The Leader Of The Be ...
- Intelligent Prisoner
- Disagreement Over Delicacies
- Running from The Ṣalaah
- The Advice Of The Conqueror Of ...
- Rebellion Against Al-Ḥajjaaj
- The Poor Yemeni And Al-Ḥajja ...
- In The Best Interest Of The Or ...
- The Slave Of ‘Umar ibn ‘A ...
- Umm Salamah (may Allah be plea ...
- The Understanding Of A Bedouin